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much like the film of the same title, we’ve been all hot and bothered about the last 365 days

on March 30th 2023, our highland cow mascot was drawn, and we never looked back.

first, we tested the waters with the ‘WHERE TO NEXT?’ Highland Cow Trucker Hat which was sold on depop and given to friends and family.

we then spent months designing, manufacturing and eventually selling out our first collection with ‘epic gamer grandma’ 

now - having been featured in newspapers and shown to mass audiences across social media (with grandma’s help) we’ve served many very happy customers from over 15 different countries

throughout 2024, we will continue to exceed your expectations. forever, always. 

as our birthday gift, we’re back to you by giving you a few clues and info about ‘EPIC 2’ 

all will be revealed in our newsletter post in a few days, make sure you’re subscribed.

’Sleep tight.’

see you soon ;)




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